
How surreal. I was doing the grocery one night this week, and when I looked in the hotdog bin, THIS was in there. Strange. I never even saw it advertised anywhere. Sam Milby is a guy who used to live in the Philippine Big Brother house, the original edition. He hit it big singing some songs and most especially when he sang a jingle for Closeup toothpaste. He has been showing up everywhere, selling everything including--but not limited to--
Close Up (2005)
Maalox (2005)
GBX Shoes (2005)
Bench (Nov 2005)
Smart 258 (Jan 2006)
Unisilver Watches (2006)
Centrum (2006)
Jollibee (2006)
and now this....
Ok, I'm not gonna say anything beyond: is the endorsement of hotdogs pun intended?


Good (?) News! I actually found soozy hopper again! :) Azteeg! Gotta tell the others... Wait... here's the link, heaven knows how long it's going to stay open:soozy hopper Ok, this photo has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS POST. I just felt I had to stick a pic in and I wasn't prepared for it... My apologies....BUT, it might as well BE related to my post. Har-har!
Ok... I just kinda figured this new soozy hopper blog is bogus :( Gone are the FUN days!